cookei (Dall, 1916)
Shell of moderate size, regularly
biconic, of eight or nine whorls, each on the
spire rising slightly above the suture in front of it, the space between the sutures flattish, carrying
three spiral threads with wider
interspaces; the shoulder of the whorl simple; in front of the suture a very slight inflation of the
upper half of the whorl, the rest being
direct and flattened; near the shoulder the whorl is sculptured rather closely with obscure spiral
threads; in front of these the sculpture becomes strap-like, separated by
narrow sharp grooves; nearer the
canal these flat spaces begin to be divided by a shallow medial groove, giving them a paired effect,
these again become closer and feebler
close to the canal.
Length, 38; length of shell in
front of the shoulder, 34;
diameter at shoulder, 19 mm.
Locality. Station 7079, on the
east bank of the Flint River below the mouth of
Blue Spring branch, at Mascot Point, in chert blocks; Vaughan, Cooke, and Mansfield, 1914.
U. S. Nat. Mus. Cat. No. 166721.
This description is taken from a cast made from a
mold in the chert rock.
The shell seems nearest to the Conus stenostomus of Sowerby, from the Santo Domingo
Oligocene, but is less attenuated anteriorly, has
the spire less scalar and the extreme apex of the spire is much less prominent.
Conus stenostomus (3) mm. 74 x 40 pag. 327 - Plate XXI, fig. 1 Oligocene Santo Domingo |
Conasprelloides cookei (1) mm. 38 Oligocene Georgia |
Conus cookei (2) Tav. 86 fig. 2 mm. 34 x 19 |
MR 450-44 mm. 25 Pulaski County road cut Michael
Reagin |
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