(Chelyconus) vindobonensis (Hoernes, 1851)
Conus argillicola (Eichwald, 1830)
Descrizione e caratteristiche:
una conchiglia di dimensioni medie, la cui spira č moderatamente alta e dal
profilo concavo. Le spire sono convesse e lisce, la spalla č angolata, l’ultimo
giro č conico e convesso, con linee incise nella parte anteriore. Rispetto al Conus
fuscocingulatus la spalla č piů angolata e la spira č piů bassa.
Austria, Rep. Ceca, Moldavia, Polonia, Romania, Serbia, Turchia, Algeria,
Ungheria (4).
Conus vindobonensis - [ 14,6 mm. ] Miocene – Badeniano – Gainfarn – Grossau (Austria) (3) |
Conus vindobonensis (4) |
Conus vindobonensis (5) |
Conus (Chelyconus) vindobonensis boeckhi (Halavats,
e caratteristiche:
Distribuzione: Borneo, Austria
Conus boeckhi
(Austria) |
Conus boeckhi
(Austria) |
Conus boeckhi
(Austria) |
Conus boeckhi
mm. 58,5 x 34,5 Badeniano Medio Hidas [AZFC 528-01] |
Conus boeckhi
mm. 62,3 x 38,6 Badeniano Medio Hidas [AZFC 528-02]
boeckhi Figs 24 E1–E3 NHMW 1870/0037/0002 mm. 81,5 x 51,2 Ritzing (Austria) |
Monteiroconus boeckhi Figs 24 D1–D6 NHMW 1930/0006/0037 mm. 72,6 x 45,5 Ritzing (Austria) |
Conus boeckhi
mm. 62,3 x 38,6 Badeniano Medio Hidas [AZFC 528-02]
Conus boeckhi
mm. 58,5 x 34,5 Badeniano Medio Hidas [AZFC 528-01] |
Monteiroconus boeckhi Figs 24 F1–F3 NHMW
1930/0006/0037 mm. 54,5 x
31,8 Ritzing (Austria) |
Conus argillicola (Eichwald, 1830)
Although Hall (1966) synonymized this species with Conus
vindobonensis Hoernes & Auinger, 1879, the two taxa are not very similar.
Especially the elongate last whorl and the long siphonal canal exclude
conspecificity with Conus s.l. vindobonensis. Moreover, the
spiral cords on the spire whorls of C. s.l. vindobonensis are always
much weaker. Bałuk (1997) treated Conus argillicola as a subjective
junior synonym of Conus pyrula Brocchi, 1814. The Pliocene Lautoconus
pyrula, however, lacks spiral cords, is broader, and has rounded shoulders
and very prominent and broad spiral cords on the base. The illustration of
Eichwald (1852) does not correspond unambiguously to any other Paratethyan and
Mediterranean species and the status of Conus argillicola remains
unclear without observation of type specimens or new material (5).
Conus argillicola(6)
[AZFC N. 335-01] Conus vindobonensis - [ 49,5 x 26,3 mm.] Miocene – Badeniano – Gainfarn –
Grossau (Austria) – X396 |
(Chelyconus) vindobonensis mm. 36,9 x 20,0 Miocene(Badeniano) – Gainfarm [AZFC N. 335-03] |
Conus vindobonensis [ 36,4 x 21,3 mm. ] Miocene – Badeniano – Rohoznik (Slovacchia) [AZFC N. 335-02] |
vindobonensis (5) mm.
58,4 |
vindobonensis (5) mm.
53,4 |
vindobonensis 49,5 x
26,3 mm. Austria [AZFC N. 335-01] |
vindobonensis (5) mm. 48,8 |
vindobonensis (5) mm.
47,5 |
Conus vindobonensis mm. 36,9 x 20,0 Miocene(Badeniano) – Gainfarm [AZFC N. 335-03] |
Conus vindobonensis 36,4 x 21,3 mm. Slovacchia [AZFC
N. 335-02] |
vindobonensis (4) mm. 33 |
vindobonensis (5) mm.
30,6 |
vindobonensis (4) mm. 24 |
Bibliografia Consultata