Conus (Lautaconus) rhodesensis (Psarras, Merle, Moissette & Koskeridou,2024)




Description   (1)

Shell  (1)

Small to moderately-sized shells (maximum length of about 25.7 mm), with conical spire of variable height. Spire whorl outline slightly concave to slightly convex. Early spire whorls conical with spiral grooves on sutural ramps. Later spire whorls conical, straight to slightly convex, with occasional spiral grooves on sutural ramp, sometimes slightly striated to elevated. Shoulder angulated to smooth, with maximum diameter on shoulder to just below shoulder. Subsutural flexure shallow, moderately curved, nearly symmetrical. Spiral grooves and cords along the last whorl, intense at anterior third of last whorl.

Colour pattern  (1)

Colour pattern of the spire whorls consists of one level of pigmentation of broad axial to thin flammulae. The pattern on the shoulder consists of a non-fluorescent band at carina. The axial flammulae levels of pigmentation of the spire whorls rarely overlap the non-fluorescent band (E3). The colour pattern on the last whorl consists of spiral rows of dashes, of variable length (Fig. 4), alternating with non-fluorescent dots. Fluorescent bands exist in different heights and widths. Usually there is one band in the middle whorl and one in the anterior part of the last whorl, separated by a non-fluorescent band. In this fluorescent band, the spiral rows of dashes are less long and dense.

Remarks  (1)

We have examined 140 specimens. This group shows a great morphological diversity, as there are both shells with elevated spires and low spired ones and the spiral whorls can be striated or smooth (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, the residual colour patterns are similar in all specimens studied.





FIG. 3 — Conus (Lautoconus) rhodesensis n. subsp.  (1)










Conus ventricosus Clade 4 - subvar. Rhodesensis ?

 mm. 28,8 x 12,6

Tyris - Grecia

[AZRC N. 286-01]

Conus ventricosus Clade 4 - subvar. Rhodesensis ?

mm. 27,6 x 16,2

Tyris - Grecia

[AZRC N. 547-51]








Bibliografia Consultata



·        (1) – Psarras, C.; Merle, D.; Moissette, P.; Koskeridou, E. (2024). "The Pleistocene Conidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the island of Rhodes (Greece) and their palaeoecological significance". Geodiversitas. 46 (11): 433–444.
