Conus poulsenii                                    (Morch, 1874)





89.  Conus  (Conilithes)  poulsenii  Mørch (2).


C. antediluvianus  Beyr.  non  Brug. (3)

C. bruguieri  Nyst.  (non  Kien.)  NYST, Coqu. et Polip. foss. Belgique (1843), pag. 585.


C. antediluvianus  Brocchi differt  nodulis  coronæ  majoribus  et  paucioribus.



Sylt  (Forchh.),  Gram  (Reimers,  Johnstr).

Spandet  (Løffler,  Johnstr.),  ø.  f.  Esbjerg  Havn  (Johnstr.),

Sandfuldgaarde  (Dalgas).

Woltrop, northern Ruhr area, Germany


Et  enkelt  Exemplar  fra  Sylt  er  65  mm.  langt,


Il Conus poulsenii, proveniente dal Tortoniano di Sylt, in Germania, è ritenuto differente dal Conus antidiluvianus a causa dei noduli più grossolani e presenti in numero inferiore (1).

In 1874 Mørch (p. 291) introduced Conus (Conilithes) poulsenii, based on specimens from Sylt (Germany) and Gram, Spandet, Esbjerg and Sandfuldgaarde (Denmark), all late Miocene (Tortonian) in age (1). The single specimen from Sylt had a shell height of 65 mm. The shell was described as different from C. antidiluvianus Brocchi in having fewer and coarser knobs (‘differt nodulis coronæ majoribus et paucioribus’) and Conus ‘antediluvianus’ Beyr. non Brug.’ is mentioned as a synonym.


Nyst proposed the new name Conus bruguierii for the species represented by Brocchi (1814, pl. 2, fig. 11). Nyst’s name, however, is a junior synonym of Conus apenninicus (Bronn,1838) (1).




Conus antidiluvianus (3)


Tav. I fig. 1

Conus poulsenii

mm. 22,9

Gram Formation

South Jutland, Denmark




The Gram Formation is a geological formation in . It preserves fossils dating from the Miocene period. The formation consists of three layers: the glauconite-rich, the Gram Clay, and the Gram sand.



Conus poulsenii var. gymnogyra          (Morch, 1874)


Further­more Mørch described as ‘var.? C. gymnospira(*) another form from Sylt with a shell height of 50 mm, differing by ‘t. latiore spira breviore, anfr. infra carinam obsoletis­sime undulatis, C. derelictus non absimilis’ (= ~ having a broader shell and shorter spire, the whorl part below the carina very slightly undulating, not unlike C. derelictus’) (1).


Long  50  mm,  diam  25  mm.


Sylt,  (Forchh.)  spm.  2.



(*) The correct name is “gymnogyra




Conus poulsenii var. gymnogyra


Conus poulsenii var. gymnogyra

(Morch, 1874)

collection no: 59891

mm. 54

Miste - Netherland

Conus poulsenii var. gymnogyra

(Morch, 1874)

collection no: 17672

mm. 52

 Heist op den Berg, Antwerp, Belgium

Conus poulsenii var. gymnogyra

(Morch, 1874)

collection no: 55551

mm. 30

 Gran, South Jutland, Denmark





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