(Monteiroconus) sp.1 (Psarras*,
Merle, Antonarakou & Efterpi, 2023)
Descrizione e caratteristiche:
range - Upper Miocene of Proto-Mediterranean: Messara Basin (Kasteliana
Formation) and Sitia Basin
(Achladhia Formation) (Crete, Greece) (2).
description - Medium-sized shell. Early spire whorls convex, with low conical
to concave outline. Later spire whorls straight to slightly concave, creating a
straight, conical to concave outline. Two spiral grooves on last and
penultimate spire whorls. Suture channelled. Subsutural flexure shallow,
moderately curved, moderately asymmetrical. Shoulder angulated, with maximum
diameter below shoulder. Last whorl straight on anterior half to slightly round
on posterior half, resulting in a slightly convex profile. Aperture narrow,
straight, widening slightly on canal. Fasciole small, twisted. Dense spiral
grooves on anterior third of the body whorl. Colour pattern description - The
non-fluorescent base colour is seen as deep blue under UV light. The colour pattern
on the spire consists of wide flammulae. The colour pattern on the body whorl
consists of one pattern of very densely packed, axially arranged, fluorescent spiral
dashes of subquadrate shape. The dashes are united axially, creating zig-zag
stripes. The stripes can merge with others and can be discontinued, disrupted
by non-fluorescent spiral bands dashed lines. Sparse spiral dashes of
subquadrate shape might exist on those non-fluorescent bands. On the shoulder,
a non-fluorescent line divides the colour pattern of the spire from the last
whorl (2).
This species is rather similar to the
fossil species Conus (Kalloconus) neumayri (Hoernes & Auinger,
1879) in the overall morphology of the shell and the colour pattern (2).
The main differences between the two species are the presence of spiral
grooves on the last two spire whorls, as well as the dense spiral
grooves on 1/3 anterior part of the body whorl on Conus (Monteiroconus)
sp. 1. Furthermore, the pattern of Conus (Kalloconus) neumayri
consists of blotches, while the pattern of Conus (Monteiroconus)
sp. 1 consists of axially united spiral subquadrate dashes (2).
Monteiroconus sp.1(2)
AMPG(IV) 2650, Filippi b)
AMPG(IV) 3935, Achladhia |
Monteiroconus sp.1
A 1094 36,0
mm Kreta, Greece |
Monteiroconus sp.1
b : AMPG(IV) 3935 (Paratype) 50,65 x 31,13 mm
Monteiroconus sp.1
A 1094 36,0
mm Kreta, Greece (Henk Boerman)
Monteiroconus sp.1
a : AMPG(IV) 2650 (Holotype) 35,35 x 24,16 mm |
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