Conus aemulator manzanillaensis  (Mansfield, 1925)






Shell of medium size, broadly conic, last three postnuclear whorls flat, remainder rising rather steeply to an elevation 5 mm. above the plane of the spire, with eight postnuclear and one and one- half nuclear whorls. Nuclear whorls slightly corroded but apparently smooth. First four postnuclear whorls spirally coronate and carnate behind the channeled suture, remaining whorls sculptured with faint concave growth lines and faint concentric lines lying within the shallowly excavated anal fasciole. Last whorl slightly rounded below the carinated shoulder; below gradually sloping to base, Sculpture on the lower two- thirds of last whorl consists of sharp, low, spiral threads with interspaces more than twice their width. Columella channelled near the base; below a sharp fold borders the canal. The specimen is partly crushed on the lower half and part of the shell is missing.


Dimensions: Type (U. S. Mat Mus. Cat. No. 352646) measures: Altitude about 40 mm, ; maximum diameter 22 mm.


This new species very closely resembles an undescribed species occurring in both the Baitoa and Cercado formations of the Dominican Republic and the Thomonde formation of the Republic of Haiti ; but differs from these in possessing a coronate-carinate spiral on the early whorls and the absence of strong spirals within the anal fasciole.


Occurrence. — Middle of lower Miocene: Manzanilla Coast, Trini- dad, British West Indies.






Conus manzanillaensis (1)

Plate 2, figg. 5, 10


mm. 40 x 22

Manzanilla Coast - Trinidad



Bibliografia Consultata

·         (1) - Mansfield, W. C., 1925. Miocene Gastropods and Scaphopods from Trinidad, British West Indies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 66 (2259 ): 1 -65
