Conus maga        (Vokes, 1938)






Shell large, spire relatively low, concavo-convex in outline, shoulder truncate; nuclear whorls d6collet6; early post-nuclear volutions obscurely tuberculate, later whorls excavate above, marked by numerous fine microscopic striae which tend to be obsolete toward the outer edge, and by prominent lines of growth; aperture widened anteriorly, slightly flaring; outer lip moderately retractive, anal notch deep; siphonal notch wide, shallow; siphonal fasciole relatively wide; anterior portion of body whorl sculptured by irregularly spaced, rounded spiral threads which are obscurely beaded (1).

This species may be distinguished from C. stenostoma Sowerby, with which it has been confused, by the more deeply excavate anal fasciole, the finer spiral sculpturing on the spire whorls, the nature of the sculpturing on the anterior portion of the body whorl, and by the wide, shallow siphonal notch and the wide siphonal fasciole. C. apium Woodring (1928, p. 202, P1. ix, fig. 3) has a lower spire, more rounded shoulder and less deeply excavate anal fasciole. C. haitensis Sowerby has a lower spire which is conspicuously striate spirally (1).





Si tratta di una conchiglia di grandi dimensioni, la cui spira è relativamente bassa. Il profilo è concavo-convesso, la spalla è troncata; le prime spire postnucleari sono oscuramente tubercolate, le spire successive sono incavate e sono segnate da numerose striature microscopiche e fini, che tendono ad essere obsolete verso il bordo esterno e da linee di crescita prominenti; l’apertura è  allargata anteriormente, leggermente svasata; il labbro esterno è moderatamente retratto, la tacca anale è profonda; la tacca sifoninale è larga e poco profonda; la fasciola sifonale è relativamente larga; la parte anteriore del corpo è scolpito da fili a spirale arrotondati irregolarmente e distanziati, che sono oscuramente bordati.

Questa specie può essere distinta dal C. stenostoma Sowerby, con il quale è stato confuso, dalla fasciola anale più profondamente scavata, dalla scolpitura a spirale più fine sui vortici della spira, dalla natura della scolpitura sulla parte anteriore del corpo, e dalla tacca sifoninale larga e poco profonda e dall'ampia fasciola sifonale.

Il C. apium (Woodring, 1928: p. 202, Pl. IX, fig. 3) ha una pira più bassa, la spalla più arrotondata e una fasciola anale meno profondamente scavata.

Il C. haitensis Sowerby ha una spira più bassa, che è vistosamente striata a spirale.


Conus (Dendroconus) apium   (Woodring, 1928)

Conus (Pyruconus)     apium   (Woodring, 1928)





Shell medium-sized, spire low, its outline slightly concave. Shoulder rounded and broadly bulging. Anal notch very shallow, outer lip very slightly retractive as it approaches anal notch. Anal fasciole flat, limited by a low obscure thread concealed on spire by overlap of succeeding whorl. Sculpture consisting of obscure wavy spiral threads on anterior half of body whorl (2).


Length 58 mm.; diameter 35.8 mm. (holotype).


This is the species called C. solidus (Sowerby, 1850) by Guppy in 1866. In 1867 he discovered that this name was preoccupied, so he proposed the name recognitus. It happens that Sowerby’s solidus is a different species (see p. 205). Inasmuch as Guppy was renaming Sowerby’s solidus, recognitus should be used for that species, even though Guppy may not have had any Dominican shells before him (2).

C. williamgabbi Maury (Bull. Am. Paleontology, vol. 5, p. 200, pi. 31, fig. 2, 1917), which is found only in the Baitoa formation, is larger and less pyriform, and the outline of the spire is more concave (2).

C. recognitus Guppy’’ Pilsbry (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 73, p. 327, pi. 19, fig. 2, 1922) is williamgabbi (2).

C. recognitus Guppy” Maury (Bull. Am. Paleontology, vol. 5, p. 209, pi. 33, fig. 9, 1917), found in the Baitoa and Cercado formations, is smaller and more slender than apium, though in other features the two species are very similar (2).

C. “molds var.” bravoi Spieker (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Geology, No. 3, pp. 41-42, pi. 1, fig. 6, 1922; Miocene, Peru) has the same kind of flat anal fasciole, but is larger and stouter than apium (2).

No cones similar to apium are now living in the West Indian region, but this fossil species resembles C. pyriformis Reeve, living on the Pacific coast of Central America. The Bowden species is larger and broader at the shoulder, and has a lower spire. Apparently its early whorls are not tuberculate, though they are worn on all of the few specimens. A young shell in the Henderson collection referred to this species is more slender than would be supposed from the adult shell. Three specimens are in the Duerden collection and two in the Henderson collection (2).




Conus maga (1)

Holotype AMNH No. 24999

Miocene – Springvale (Trinidad)

mm. 85,3 x 50,5



Conus apium (2)

Holotype USNM 369351

Upper Pliocene - Florida

mm. 58,0 x 35,8

C. solidus (Sowerby, 1850) by Guppy in 1866

Conus recognitus (Guppy, 1876)





Conus maga (1)

Holotype, No. 24999

mm. 85,3 x 50,5



Conus apium (2)

Holotype USNM 369351

mm. 58,0 x 35,8



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