Conus goodwini (Hanna, 1927)

Descrizione e caratteristiche:


Shell small; coniform; consists of eight and one-half whorls, three of which are embryonic; embryonic whorls apparently smooth; surface above angle of adult whorls slightly concave, ornamented by growth lines and four or five distinct, equal sized, rounded spiral threads which are separated by narrow interspaces; just below and extending to the angle of the whorl are elevated nearly rectangular nodes one and one-half times as long as wide, separated by interspaces one-half the width* of the nodes, interspaces are not depressed below the general surface of the shell below the angle; suture of succeeding whorls extends only to the base of the nodes of the preceding whorl; remainder of the shell below the angle polished, but with suggestions of spiral striations; lower part of the whorl crossed by eleven to twelve rounded threads which are separated by narrow interspaces; aperture coniform. The number of nodes to the whorl varies. The last whorl bears 31; next 26; 24; 20; 16; with a few remaining to the embryonic shell.


Dimensions: Length 11 mm., diameter 5 mm.


In general characteristics this form most closely resembles Conus aegilops Anderson and Hanna.1" The spire of the Tejon species is higher. The surface above the angle lacks spiral ornamentation, and the surface below the angle is more prominently striated.


Named in honor of Mr. Harold W. Goodwin, a college roommate.



Conus goodwini

Plate 55 figs. 5, 8

Univer. Calif. Plesiotype 30960


Conus aegilops (1)

Plate 13 fig. 5: Type 809

Plate 13 Fig. 6: Type 810








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