Conus (Stephanoconus) gastaldii (Michelotti, 1847)

Pseudonoduloconus gastaldii         (Michelotti, 1847)

Conus imperialis                            (Bellardi & Michelotti, 1841)

Conus subnocturnus                      (Orbigny, 1852)

Conus nocturnus                            (Lamarck—Neugeboren, 1858: 106)

Conus subcoronatus                       (Böttger, 1887)



Descrizione e caratteristiche:


Questa specie, anch’essa abbastanza rara, nella parte della spira, ricorda molto il Conus imperialis (Linnaeus, 1758), mentre si differenzia abbastanza da questo nella parte anteriore, in cui lo S. gastaldii è più assottigliato.


Kovacs & Balasz (2016) considerano il Pseudonoduloconus subcoronatus come una specie distinta (3), ma Harzhauser & Landau considerano il  Conus subcoronatus (Boettger, 1887) come un sinonimo più recente del Conus gastaldii (Michelotti, 1847). Non sorprende tuttavia che Boettger, nel 1887,  non conoscesse la sinonimia, poiché la prima figura del Conus gastaldii fu pubblicata molto più tardi da Sacco, nel 1893.


Sacco la descrive come una specie molto variabile: la spira è più o meno depressa, i tubercoli più o meno accentuat1, le strie della regione della spira più o meno visibili. I tubercoli sovente sono appena accennati come ondulazioni e poi divengono grossi e rilevati verso l'apertura. I solchi trasversi della regione caudale sono tra loro distanti, ampli ma poco profondi, talvolta appena accennati, talvolta invece estesi anche in una parte della regione ventrale (Sacco, 1893).


Distribution in Paratethys. Badenian (middle Miocene): Transylvanian Basin: Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania) (Boettger 1887). (2)


Proto-Mediterranean Sea and northeastern Atlantic:

Burdigalian (early Miocene):  Turin Hills (Sacco 1893b);  (2)

Aquitaine Basin: Léognan, Mérignac, Saint-Paul-lès-Dax (France) (Peyrot 1931); (2)

middle Miocene (Langhian): Langhian: Aquitaine Basin: Manciet (France) (Peyrot 1931, as Conus subnocturnus, d’Orbigny, 1852). (2)



Conus imperialis  Bellardi & Michelotti, 1841 Primary Type ImageConus imperialis  Bellardi & Michelotti, 1841 Primary Type Image

Stephanoconus gastaldii (Michelotti, 1847)


Conus imperialis (Bellardi & Michelotti, 1841)


Conus gastaldii supraproducta (Sacco, 1893)

pl. 11, fig. 13) as

Conus subcoronatus (Böttger, 1887) Holotype - Lapugy

Pseudonoduloconus gastaldii (2)

mm. 50,1 x 26,8



Conus nocturnus var. Lamarck - Grateloup


Conus subnocturnus – (Orbigny, 1852 – Peyrot)



Nessun testo alternativo automatico disponibile.

Conus nocturnus deburghiae 
Mioskon Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua. 
Juvenile (27 mm) and adult (53 mm).



Stephanoconus gastaldii

97,0 x 57,4 mm.

Aquitaniano – Roquefort – Landes – Francia

[AZFC 504-01]



Conus subcoronatus         (Böttger, 1887)

Char. T. major, ponderosa, convexo-conica, spira modice producta, breviter conica lateribus strictis, 1/6  omnis altitudinis aequante. Anfr. 9 coronati, suturis impressis undulatis disjuncti, superiores convexiusculi, lineis filiformibus 3 — 4 spiralibus nec non tuberculis sat prominentibus, magnis, rotuudatis, obliquis ornati, ultimus superne obtuse carinatus, supra angulum lineolis 4— spiralibus nee non tuberculis 12 — 13 exasperatus, penultimo vix sescuplo latior, infra angulum laevis vel obsoletissime spiraliter lineolatus, basi subcontractus filisque paucis, valde distantibus ornatus. Striae incre- menti undulatae supra angulum distinetiores ibique arcuatim recurvae. Apertura angusta, aequilata, levissime curvata, columella basi subplicata.

Alt. 51, lat. 27,5 mm; alt. apert. 43,5 , lat. apert. 5,5 mm.

Vorkommen. Im Miocaen der 2. Mediterran - Stufe von Lapugy, Siebenbürgen, nur ein Exemplar von Herrn Kaufmann Gustav Schmidt in Magdeburg erhalten und jetzt in meiner Sammlung. Unter den von M. Hoernes und von R. Hoernes und M. Auinger (Gasteropoden d. Meer. Abi. der 1. und 2. Med.- Stufe Oesterr. Ungarns, I. Conus, Wien 1879) von Lapugy beschriebenen Arten befindet sich nur eine und, nebenbei bemerkt, nur schwach gekrönte Species C. (Dendroconus) austriacus H. u. Au., die sich etwa mit der vorliegenden Form vergleichen Hesse. Aber das Dach des letzten Umgangs ist bei dieser Art ausgehöhlt, und die Schale selbst zeigt eine bauchige Birnform, welche die Autoren mit Recht veranlasst hat, die Art trotz der mitunter deutlichen Krönung zur Untergattung Dendrocomts zu stellen. Von lebenden Arten lässt sich eine Verwandtschaft der vorliegenden Species mit gewissen schlankeren Formen von Stephanoconus aus Mittelamerika nicht verkennen. Namentlich dürften C. (Stephanoconus) brunneus Wood von Panama in Form und Höhe der Spira, C. (Stephanoconus) distans Brug. aus Westindien in der Sculptur der Basis zum Vergleich heranzuziehen sein, wenn sie auch im Uebrigen durch zahlreiche Charactere von der fossilen Art leicht zu trennen sind. Die Knoten der Krönung sind schwächer als bei den meisten Stephanocomts-Arten und lassen sich am besten mit denen des lebenden C. (Stephanoconus) lividus Brug. vergleichen. 

Occurrence. In the Miocen of the 2nd Mediterranean stage from Lapugy, Transylvania, only one specimen was preserved by Herr Kaufmann Gustav Schmidt in Magdeburg and is now in my collection. Among the species described by Lapugy by M. Hoernes and by R. Hoernes and M. Auinger (Gasteropoden d. Meer. Abi. der 1st und 2. Med.-stufe Oesterr. Hungary, I. Conus, Vienna 1879) there is only one and, by the way, only faintly crowned species C. (Dendroconus) austriacus H. & Au., which compares somewhat with the present form Hesse. But the roof of the last whorl is hollowed out in this species, and the shell itself shows a bulbous pear shape, which has rightly caused the authors to place the species in the subgenus Dendroconus, despite the sometimes clear coronation. From living species a relationship of the present species with certain slender forms of Stephanoconus from Central America cannot be denied. Namely C. (Stephanoconus) brunneus Wood of Panama in shape and height of the Spira, C. (Stephanoconus) distans Brug. from the West Indies in the sculpture of the base for comparison, although otherwise they can be easily distinguished from the fossil species by numerous characters. The knots of the coronation are weaker than most Stephanoconus-species and are best compared to those of the living C. (Stephanoconus) lividus Brug. to compare.

Conus subcoronatus was cited in subsequent papers (e.g. Koch 1900), but it was never found again. Boettger’s collection is stored in Frankfurt, and we could study the photos of the holotype by courtesy of Dr. Ronald Janssen (Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut). The morphology of subcoronatus is close to Pseudonoduloconus gastaldii (Michelotti) in nodulose spiral whorls and shoulder, however, it differs by convex, not canaliculate spiral whorls. Based on these features, the validity of the species is recognized in this paper, and classified within genus Pseudonoduloconus Tucker et Tenorio (5).



Conus (Stephanoconus) subcoronatus

Taf. 2, Fig. 9 a—b.

mm. 51 x 27,5

Miocene – Lapugy - Romania







Stephanoconus gastaldii

97,0 x 57,4 mm.

Aquitaniano – Roquefort – Landes – Francia

[AZFC 504-01]


Conus subcoronatus (Böttger, 1887) Holotype – Lapugy

mm. 50,1 x 26,8


Pseudonoduloconus gastaldii (2)







Bibliografia Consultata


·        (2) - MATHIAS HARZHAUSER & BERNARD LANDAU A revision of the Neogene Conidae and Conorbidae (Gastropoda) of the Paratethys Sea

·        (3) – Kovacs, Balazs (2016) “Conidae (Neogastropoda) assemblage from the Middle Miocene of the Făget Basin (Romania) in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest

·        (4) - Böttger, O., 1887. Drei neue Conus aus dem Miocän von Lapugy und von Bordeaux. Jahrbücher der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschraft, 14: 3 -8

·        (5) - Zoltán Kovács1 & Péter Balázs2 (2015) “ Conidae (Neogastropoda) assemblage from the Middle Miocene of the Făget Basin (Romania) in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest“