(Floraconus) sp. (Loodbrook, 1978)
clarus (Smith, 1881)
Conus (Floraconus) sp. (1)
Plate 21, figs. 6, 7
Material: One specimen WAM 69.531 from locality 4434-FL6.
Description: Shell of small to moderate size, biconical, with a fairly high spire, protoconch missing in the fossil, adult whorls 8, constricted in the middle of the spire whorls and sculptured with punctate spiral striae and microscopic concave axial striae on the sutural ramp, last whorl with straight sides in profile sculptured below the shoulder with flattish spiral lirae about half the width of the interspaces and increasing in strength anteriorly. Aperture narrow, oblique, expanding a little anteriorly, outer lip folded over, with a conspicuous posterior sinus (1).
Dimensions: WAM 69.531 height 40, height of spire 11,
diameter 18 mm.
Distribution: Roe Calcarenite; Early Pleistocene.
The Roe Calcarenite (Lowry,
1970, p. 121) is a medium to coarse-grained arenaceous porous shelly calcarenite
1.5 m thick at the type section and on most of the Roe Plains south of the
Hampton Range between Twilight Cove in the west and Eucla in the east. It was
described by Ludbrook (1958a, 1958b) as a sandy limestone of Pleistocene age
appearing to rest directly on the Eocene Wilson Bluff Limestone as the result
of removal by marine erosion of the Nullarbor Limestone south of the Hampton
Conus (Floraconus) sp. (1) Plate 21, figs. 6, 7 Early Pleistocene |
Conus cf. clarus mm. 27,9 Early Pleistocene Roe Plains – Western Australia |
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