Conus (Hemiconus) filifer (Edwards, 1857))



Descrizione e caratteristiche:


Two species in the middle Lutetian of France and England, Conus parisiensis (Deshayes, 1865) and C. filifer (Edwards, 1857) both retained a multispiral protoconch and developed a smooth, straight-sided body whorl and have been thought to represent Conilithes or other genera (e.g. TRACEY & TODD, 1996). However, the subsutural row of beads and the spire ornament of tubercles crossed by spiral cords, best seen in immature shells, show that they should be referred to Hemiconus (2).




Fig. 6a-b : Hemiconus filifer (Edwards, 1857)

middle Lutetian, Bracklesham Bay (W. Sussex)


a)    NHMUK PI OR 71195(2) (coll. EDWARDS)

b)    (protoconch)





Bibliografia Consultata



·        (1) - Edwards, F. E., 1856. Descriptions of Shells from the Older Tertiaries of England. A Monograph of the Eocene Mollusca, or descriptions of shells from the older Tertiaries of England. Part III, No. II. Prosobranchiata (continued), 3 (2 )