Conus dujardini egerensis (Noszky, 1936)
Descrizione e caratteristiche:
The species was recorded at Esztergom-Szentgyörgy-mező without
illustration by KOVÁCS & VICIÁN (2016). The type specimen was destroyed
in 1956 (PÁLFY
al. 2008); a neotype is designated herein from Eger, the type locality: HNHM,
Department of Palaeontology and Geology; inventory number: M.63.7123.
(Representation: BÁLDI 1973, pl. 45, fig. 7). Eoconus
egerensis has been documented in the Egerian mollusc assemblages of Eger,
Novaj and Diósjenő (1).
Egerian, Eger Formation Wind brickyard, Eger, Nos36, p. 110 (81), pl. 5, fig.
Holotype Egerian,
Eger Formation Wind
brickyard - Eger Noszky,
p. 110 (81), pl. 5, fig. 13 |
Conus dujardini egerensis (Noszky, 1936) mm. 23 Oligocene – Egeriano – Eger, Cava Wind-féle téglagyar Livello
egri-emelet - Ungheria Egeriano (tardo Oligocene),
dalla località Eger in Ungheria (1)
Some new aspects of the lower
boundary of the Egerian stage |
mm. 30 Oligocene -
Ungheria |
Conus exaltatus mm. 26,3 x 10,0 Miocene – Badeniano Pleven [AZFC N. 320-01] |
brevispiratus |
brezinae |
exaltatus |
sallomacensis |
dujardini |
Bibliografia Consultata
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