Conus colombiensis (Weisbord, 1929)



Descrizione e caratteristiche:


This species is thin-shelled. There are about 12 whorls, of which the earlier live or six appear to he somewhat coronate; the whorls are very convex, each succeeding one slighty over-lapping on the preceding; sutures well incised; spire slightly elevated, concavely conical. The body whorl is well rounded at the shoulder. From the middle portion of the last whorl to the base there is a series of subequal revolving lines. These become obsolete above.

Dimersions: Alt. 58 mm; Width 34 mm.

The Caribbean Miocene analogue of this shell is C. recognitus Guppy which has been found in Costa Rica. Haiti and Jamaica. The body whorl of recognitus is distinctly pyriform whereas the Colombian shell is conical in shape. Otherwhise the two forms are very similar.

Locality. — Near Tubera, Dept. of Atlantico.

Age. — Middle Miocene.





Conus colombiensis

Plate 5 fig. 12

mm. 58 x 34

Conus colombiensis

PRI 21938

Conus colombiensis





Bibliografia Consultata


·         (1) - Weisbord, N. E., 1929. Miocene Mollusca of Northern Columbia. Bulletins of American Paleontology, 14 (54 )

 “Esquema estratigráfico de secuencias del registro sedimentario del Cinturón Plegado

de San Jacinto, Caribe colombiano”
