Conus bramkampi (Hanna & Strong, 1949)



Descrizione e caratteristiche (1):


whorls about 10; shoulder rounded; color markings consist of a uniform series of square brown spots in spiral rows, rather distantly spaced.

Length 48 mm., diameter 30.5 mm.

Holotype: No. 34198 (Univ. Calif. Mus. Paleo.), from Loc. A-1269(U.C.), “south side of Carrizo Mountain, Imperial County, California; Pliocene; in a small canyon about 3/8 mile east of the mouth of Alverson Canyon in small draws cut in basal conglomerate on west side of canyon, 100-120 yards from its mouth." (Bramkamp).


The species is named for the late Mr. R. A. Bramkamp, Paleontologist, California Arabian Standard Oil Company, who collected the specimen along with many other forms. The well preserved type specimen shows the color markings better than a previous lot which was identified as Conus regularis when adequate comparative material and literature were not available. The similarity is plainly seen with tessulatus and it indicates that the group is no late migrant into the region, as might be supposed from the rare occurrence of living specimens here.


Woodring (Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 418, Jan. 1931, p. 20) suggested the possibility of this species being Conus proteus (= C. spurius).



Conus bramkampi

Holotype 34198 - Plate 10 fig. 2

mm. 48 x 30,5



Conus bramkampi

USNM PAL 639479

Carrizo Mountains; Ravine about 1 mile S of Alverson Canyon








Bibliografia Consultata


·         (1) - Hanna, G. D., and Strong, 1949. West American mollusks of the genus Conus. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, ser. 4. vol. 26 (9 ): 247 -322
