Conus beali (Carson, 1926)
Shell medium thick, whorls five or more and slightly
convex on the table, distinctly tabulate, spire high; body whorl slightly contracted
below; sculpture consisting of faint, small, spirally revolving ridges at base of
body whorl, becoming obsolete above.
Height of type 64 mm., diameter of
type 32 mm.
Type No. 115 in L.
S. J. U. collection.
Fernando Formation, lower Pliocene of the Puente
Hills, Orange Co.. Calif. Locality N. W. % Sec. 25, R. 2S 11W. of San Bernardino
Meridian. R. N. Ferguson, collector.
In the Fernando beds of the Puente
Hills are also found the following species:—Astrea breaensis. Conus californica.
Trochita radians, Chione elsmerensis, Chione feniandoensis. Panope generosa.
Solen sicarius. Thracia trapezoides and leaves and wood fragments referred to Salix and Quercus
cf. agrifolia.
Conus bealiPlate
1 fig. 2 mm. 64
x 32 |
Conus bealimm. 64
x 32 |
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